Farmacia Cima Dr.Marco

Alistamine anti -anti -antonym 2% Topical use cream 30g - OTC

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Alistamine 2% cream

Pharmacotherapeutic category:
Antistamine for topical use.

Active principles:
100 g of cream contain: Prometazine hydrochloride 2.25 g equal to 2.0 g of basic Prometazine.

Liquid paraffin, stearic acid, glycerol, xalifin 15, methyl p-hydr oxibenzoate, propyle p-hydroxybenzoate, white wax, purified water, tiourea.

Local symptomatic treatment for insect stings and other localized skin irritative phenomena such as redness, burning, itching and solar theme.

Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient, towards other substances related to a chemical point of view or to any of the excipients; Eczem I; secreting lesions.
Contraindicated in children of age of less than 2 years.

Apply the cream 2-3 times a day on the affected area.
Avoid application on very extensive areas, over 10% of the body surface.
Do not exceed the recommended doses.

Keep in suitable container, sheltered from light and heat.

The prolonged and incongruous use of the medicine can give rise to Fenome ni of allergic awareness with consequent worsening of the symptoms.
If this occurs, it is necessary to suspend the trat tamento and consult the doctor in order to establish suitable therapy.
Since the application can delay the process of cicatri, the medicine must not be used more than 3-4 days c onsecative on lesions in which this phenomenon is underway.
In the event of solar erythema, apply the medicine and avoid the further exposure to the sun of the irritated skin.
If eruptions cuzioni are manifested, phenomena of irritation and burning, the treatment must be suspended.
Important information on some excipients: the medicine c on the metet p-hydroxybenzoate and propyal p-hydroxybenzoate, which could cause allergic reactions, including delayed.
Pedia Population Trica: It is not indicated in children under the age of 2.

Interactions with other drugs for topical use are not known.

Undesirable effects:
It can cause allergic reactions.
The use of Prometazine has been associated with photos of photosensitivity.
The abundant application on very large areas of the skin can cause sleepiness.
Report any adverse ruling suspect through the national reporting system.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:
In pregnant women, the medicine must be used only in case of actual need and under medical supervision.


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