Farmacia Cima Dr.Marco

Zerinol 20 coated tablets 300mg+2mg

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Zerinol 20 coated tablets 300mg+2mg

Pharmacotherapeutic category:

Analgesics and antipyretics.

Active principles:

Paracetamol; Maleato chlorfenamine.


Tablets: corn starch; microgranular cellulose; Polyvinilpirolido ne; Magnesium Stearato; sodium carboxymethylcellulose; talc; sucrose; jelly; 6000 polyetilenglicle; football carbonate; Oligable hydros chlorophyll; Arabic rubber; Carnauba wax. Suppository: sodium metabisulfite; Glycerides foreign of saturated fatty acids.


Treatment of flu symptoms and colds in adults.


Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients, towards other antihistamines of analogous chemical structure or to any of the excipients; Contraindic ato during pregnancy, breastfeeding; The products based on Parace Tamolo are contraindicated in patients with manifest insufficiency of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and in those with severe hemolytic anem; severe hepatocellular insufficiency; For its effects in NicoLinergici, do not use in case of glaucoma, in hypertrophy pro static, in the obstruction of the bladder neck, in pyloric and duodenal stenosis or other traits of the gastrointestinal and urogenital system.


>> coated tablet. Adults: 1 tablet 2 times before '.


Coated tablets: This medicine does not require any particular conservation condition. Suppository: keep at temperature not less than 30 degrees C.


In common therapeutic doses, antihistamines have reactions if they are very variable from subject to subject and from compos to compos to. The most frequent secondary effect is the sedation that can manifes itself with sleepiness, of this must be warned those who are conducting vehicles or wait for operations that require in a legacy of the degree of vigilance. Particular attention must be paid to eterly the dose in the elderly for their greater sensitivity to the drug. Administer with caution in subjects with renal or hepatic insufficiend insufficienc. During treatment with paracetamol before taking any other drug check that does not contain the stess or active ingredient, since the paracetamol is taken in elev ATE doses, serious adverse reactions can occur. High doses or prolu ngate of the product can cause high risk hepatopathy and alterations to be borne by the kidney and blood even serious. The intake of the drug must take place on a full stomach. The Contien and Saccarosio tablet drug. The suppositories contain sodium metabisulfite; This substant can cause allergic reactions and serious asthma attacks in sensitive subjects and particularly in asthmatics.


Use with extreme caution and under strict control during the chronic treatm with drugs that can determine the induction of the lively oxygenases or in the event of exposure to substances that may have this effect (for example rifampicin, cimetidine, antiepileptics such as glutetimmide, phenobarbital , carbamazepine). The administration of paracetamol can interfere with the determination of uricemia (through the method of phosphotun acid) and with that of the GLIC Emia (through the method of glucose-oxidase-peroxidase). The use of antihistamine can mask the first signs of ototoxicity of antibiotics. The product can interact with alcohol, vi -tricyclic antidepresses, neuroleptics or other depressive action drugs on the central nervous system such as barbiturates, sedatives, tranquilizers, notic IPs that should not be taken during therapy. The same should not be taken at the same time as the drug, being able to cause Mr Interactions, anticoagulants, Metoclopramide, other anticholinergic substances. The habitual ingestion of shortcrustly anticonvu drugs or oral contraceptives can, with a mechanism of undertaken and enzymatic, accelerate the metabolism of paracetamol. The use of the product is uncomfortable if the patient is being treated with anti -infected persons. The product is also contraindicated in patients in the chin route with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (IMAO) or in the two weeks and following this treatment.

Undesirable effects:

With the use of Paracetamol, skin reactions of VAR I type and gravity includes cases of urticaria, erythema multiforme, Sind Rome of Stevens-Johnson and epidermal necrolysis. Roys of hypersensitivity have been reported such as Angioedama, edema to the Ringe, anaphylactic shock. In addition, the following unwanted efforts have been reported: trombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis, alterations of liver and hepatitis functionality, alterations in Ca Rico of the kidney (acute renal failure, interstitial nephritis, emat uria, anuria), gastrointestinal reactions and vertigo reactions . The drug can mainly cause sleepiness, asthenia, photosensitization, burching ezza delle fauci, urinary retention, thickening of the secretions B Ronciati.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

is contraindicated

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