Farmacia Cima Dr.Marco

Zerinol flon 12 effervescent tablets

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Pharmacotherapeutic category:

Analgesics, antipyretics.

Active principles:

An effervescent tablet contains: Paracetamolo 300 mg, chlorfenamin with Maleato 2 mg, sodium ascorbate 280 mg corresponding to ASCO rbico acid (vitamin C) 250 mg. Excipients: Citric anhydrous acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, sorbitol, p ovidone, dimeticone, aspartame, orange aroma, lemon lemon.


Treatment of flu symptoms and colds in adults.


Hypersensitivity in Paracetamol, Chlorfenamine or Ascorbic Acid, to any of the excipients or other strictly correum substances relating from a chemical point of view, in particular antihistamines of chemical strius similar to chlorfenamine; pregnancy and breastfeeding; Pochious with manifest insufficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogen asi and patients with severe hemolytic anemia; severe hepiocellular insufficiency (Child-Pjush C); Glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, ostruz ion of the bladder neck, pyloric and duodenal stenosis or of others between the Gastrointeric and Urogenital system, due to the anticholinergic effects; Patients in treatment with monoamin oxidase inhibitors (IMAO) or in the two weeks following this treatment.


Adults: 1 effervescent tablet twice a day. Population Ped Iatrica: safety and effectiveness in patients of age of less than 18 years has not been established. Method of administration: oral use. The effervescent tablet must be dissolved in about half a glass of water. The medicine must be taken after meals. Duration of the tap: patients should be warned to contact the doctor if the fever persists or the symptoms do not improve after 3 days of pitation.


Do not keep at the temperature of more than 25 degrees C.


Do not administer for over 3 consecutive days without consulting the MODIC. If the fever persists for more than three days or if the symptoms do not improve and appear others within three days or they are accepted by high fever, exanthema, excessive quantity of persistent mucus and bone, consult the doctor before continuing the top traction. Paracetamol: During the treatment check that no other medicine containing Parac Etamol is not taken simultaneously, since the paracetamol is taken at high doses, you can do not verify serious adverse reactions. Invite the patient to contact and the doctor before associating any other drug. High or prolonged doses of the product can cause high -permitted hepatopathy and I and alterations against the kidney and blood even serious. In case of acute paracetamol hypersensitivity reactions (e.g. shock an afilactic), the treatment must be interrupted and the necessary medical measures must be attached according to the signs and symptoms. Chlorf Enamine Maleato to the common therapeutic doses The antihistamines have secondary reactions very variable from subject to subject and from omate to compound. The most frequent secondary effect is sedation and which can manifest itself with sleepiness; of this must be warned those who can lead vehicles or wait for operations that require integrity of the degree of supervision. Ascorbic acid: ACT idorbic aci (vitamin C) must be used with caution by subjects who have suffered, or have suffered in the past, of nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) and by those with the deficit of G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate- de hydrogenase), hemocromatosis, thalassemia or sideroblastic anemia. Pazicat i with renal or hepatic insufficiency: administer with caution in the ggetti with renal failure or liver. Elderly: particular at all must be placed in determining the dose in the elderly for their significant hours towards the drug. In elderly patients in treatment with antihistamine, they can occur with greater probability of efforts such as dizziness, sedation, confusion and hypotension. The elderly patients are particularly sensitive to the anti -nergic secondary effects of antihistamine of antihistamines such as dryness of the mouth and retention u rearous (especially in men). Contains: Aspartame. This medic Inale contains a source of phenylalanine. It can be harmful if you're affected by phenylchetonuria (lack of the enzyme phenilalanin hydroxylase). Sorbitol: patients with rare hereditary problems of intolerar nza to fructose should not take this medicine. Sodium: A effervescent press contains 14.83 mmol of sodium. To be kept in Consid Station in patients with reduced renal function or following a low sodium diet.


Paracetamol: Use with extreme caution and under strict control lasts the chronic treatment with drugs that can determine the delay of liver monoxygnase or in case of exposure to substances that may have this effect (for example rifampicin, cimetidine, in ntiepileptics such as glutethymide , phenobarbital, carbamazepine). Hormally harmally innocue doses of paracetamol can cause liver damage if AS Sunte together with these drugs. The same applies to potatoxic potential substances and in case of alcohol abuse. The usual ingestion of anticonvulsant drugs or oral contraceptives can, with a me ccanism of enzymatic induction, accelerate the metabolism of the Tamolo parace. The use of the product is not recommended if the patient is in trat tamento with anti -inflammatory. The intake of probenecid inhibits the lies of the paracetamol with glucuronic acid, thus reducing the clearance of the paracetamol of a factor of about 2. Therefore, the dose of paracetamol must be reduced, if administered in the asocation to probenecid . Colestiramine reduces the absorption of parace tamolo if administered within 1 h from the intake of paracetamol. It is not yet possible to establish the clinical relevance of the interactions between paracetamol and oral anticoagulants. Therefore, the prolun use of paracetamol in patients in treatment with anticoagulants now is advisable to them only under medical supervision. The association of the PA Racetamolo with chloramfenicolo can prolong the half -life of chloramfeni colo, increasing its risk of toxicity. The concomitant use of par acetamol and zidovudine increases the tendency of the latter to reduce the number of leukocytes (neutropenia). Therefore, the drug should be taken together with Zidovudine only under control of the doctor. ICINALI media that slow down gastric emptying, such as the opantel pr, reduce the speed of the absorption of the paracetamol and N and delay the onset of the effect. Medicines instead that acceleran or gastric emptying, such as metoclopramide, lead to an increase in the absorption speed. Interference with laboratory exams Rio Rio the administration of paracetamol can interfere with the determination of uricemia (through the method of phosphotong acid) and with that of blood sugar (through the method of glucose-oxidal oxidasi). Maleato chlorfenamine: other substances with anticholinergic action should not be taken on the drug, since these can cause significant interactions. The product is contraindicated in patients in treatment with mon oaminoxidase inhibitors (imao) or in the two weeks following this treatment to this they can prolong and intensify the anti -olinergic and depressive effects of the central nervous system (snc) of chlorf enamina maleato . The product can interact with alcohol, antidepressiv the tricyclic, neuroleptics or other depressive action drugs on the central nervous system such as barbiturates, sedatives, tranquilizers, ipn otic. These products should not be taken during the therapy with the Icininal Muk and can cause an increase in the sedative effect. It can mask the first signs of ototoxicity of certain antibiotics. The orfenamine clio inhibits the metabolism of phenytoin and can cause to sssicita from phenytoin. Ascorbic acid: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) reduces amphetamine levels for gastric ointaric absorption inhibition. Vitamin C increases iron bioavailability for chelation with deferoxamine. Estrogen can increase the elimin action of vitamin C.

Undesirable effects:

Pathologies of the Emolinphopoietic System: trombocytopenia, leukopenia, in Neemia, agranulocytosis, pantopenia. Immune system disorders: hypersensitivity reactions such as angioedema, edema of the larynx, anaphylactic s Hock. Nervous system pathologies: sleepiness, asthenia, dizziness, headache, incapacita 'of concentrating. Pathologies of the ot or: blurred vision. Respiratory, chest and mediastinich pathologies: thickening of bronchial secretions. Gastrointestine pathologies there: dryness of the jaws, nausea. Hepatobiliary diseases: alterations of liver function and hepatitis. Pathologies of the skin and the subcutaneous ssuto: with the use of paracetamol, skin reaits of various types and gravity have been reported including cases of urticaria, Erit Ema Multiform, very rare cases of serious skin reactions such as Sinndro Me by Stevens-Johnson (SJS), Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Ten) and generalized acute exanthematical pust (AGEP). Photosensitization. Renal and urinary pathologies: renal alterations (acute renal failure, interstitial nephritis, hematuria, anuria), urinary retention. Report any suspicious adverse reaction through the Nale reporting national system.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects on fertility in humans.


12 effervescent tablets.

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